Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Ipoh, Perak
April 2019- April 2021
- Rotating through all major 6 postings (Internal medicine, General Surgery, Obstetric &Gynecology, Pediatrics, Orthopedics & Emergency medicine)
•Distinction in Certificate of Completion of Housemanship Training (CCHT) for all Departments.
- Emergency & Trauma Department with CCHT Marks : 92.5%
- Pediatric Department with CCHT marks : 91.2%
- Medical Department with CCHT marks : 86.1%
- Surgical Department with CCHT marks : 85%
- Orthopedic Department with CCHT marks : 89%
- Able to actively resuscitate adults and children, conduct spontaneous vaginal delivery
1. Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Ipoh, Perak
( Tertiary Hospital)
April 2021 - October 2021
- Rotated departments in the Emergency Department and Medical COVID ward.
- Involved in day-to-day management of the emergency department.
- Non-acute and acute resuscitation care.
- Involved in triaging patients in the Emergency department.
- Well versed in endotracheal intubation.
- Involved in managing COVID-19 patients and care covid-19 sampling.
- Well-versed in managing medical-related cases.
- Engaged in providing COVID-19 vaccination counseling and overseeing post-vaccination complications management.
2. Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
(November 2021- July 2023)
- Rotated in National Institute of Forensics Medicine.
- Conducting post-mortem cases.
- Involved in clinical forensic pathology cases.
- Reading and interpreting histopathology slides under microscope independently
- Attending court cases involving medicolegal clinical forensics cases.
- Basic knowledge in jurisdiction of law, pathology, and histopathology.
3. Klinik Kesihatan Semporna, Sabah.
(August 2023- present)
- Rotated in Tuberculosis Clinic, Non -communicable disease clinic, Outpatient clinic and Antenatal Mother Child health Clinic.
- Well versed in antenatal checkup and ultrasonography.
- Well versed in hypertension, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease management.
- Well versed in tuberculosis and leprosy management in all backgrounds of patients, children, and pregnant mothers.
- Provide primary care(family medicine services) to all local populations.
- Basic surgical skill in toilet and suturing ( T&S) and incision and drainage.
- Liaison officer ( conduct referral whenever required to tertiary hospital).