A well-versed patient-focused doctor who interested in providing high quality, personal levels of healthcare to patients. Passionate about preventing illness and discovering the underlying reason for patient's ill health. Looking for new adventure for continuous development in knowledge and skills. Focused on a correct approach in diagnose disease causes, symptoms and likely progression based on patient histories, examinations and diagnostic testing. Team player with a strong commitment to providing seamless continuation of care for patients.
Manage acute cases, provides immediate treatment/care for any injuries, infection and other condition to stabilize the patient. Trained to think and act quickly in a stressful environment.
Expanded training to include specialty services in medical. Interdepartment referrals build teamworks to enhance case management and clinical judgement.
Collaborated with experienced midwives and specialized nurse to provide optimal care for the patients with acute and chronic illness.
Fostered excellence by example by "setting pace" and being hands on mentor to junior medical officers.
Acted as point of contact for medical and provides treatment plans for complicated cases requiring assisted ventilation or dialysis.
Conducted emergency procedure in Hemodialysis unit which reduce referral to tertiary hospitals, ambulance service usage and nursing staff involved.
Incorporate the latest labs and other diagnostic tools to discover the root cause of the disease.
Managed intubated cases without in house specialist. Expand a district hospital service to high level of care.
Attend COVID patients from category 1 to 5 during pandemic. Help to reduce workload in the state hospital and spare ICU beds for non-COVID cases.
Health assessments
Treatment planning
Patient education
Treatment plan development
Self-motivated professional
Cultural awareness
Patient education and counseling
Multidisciplinary team collaboration
Patient care